Welcome back!

After a long hiatus, I’m back. My grandmother (aka Grammy) passed away in March and it threw off my rhythm. I didn’t feel like writing and it seemed like I never had much to say.

God bless her. She was my chief babysitter growing up, she’s responsible for my excellent, though dusty table manners, for teaching me the golden rule and for the many little words of wisdom that ring in my ears from now & then.

Despite saying goodbye to her and mourning with family, I had a really good 2 months and I’m ready to start sharing tips, stories, answering questions and whatever else you might enjoy and get value out of reading.

I’ve cut the long hair as it was time for it to go. Back to my short style that seems to draw people to me. Go figure.

Finally decided between staying lean for triathlons or strength training for maximum strength. I’m going with the latter at least until June as I still love training for triathlons & competing, but I feel like I kick so much more A*$ when I lift heavy weights.

My clients are crushing it. They’re getting strong, losing weight, dropping body fat, healing from chronic injuries and sweating a lot. I think we’re having fun and there’s been a lot of GTM otherwise known as Gym Trash Mouth.

Here’s a great e-mail I received today from “the Ranger” in regards to some new training we’re trying. Enjoy.


I just feel I need to say this: This program is HARD! When I first read it I thought it would be okay and maybe a little challenging but looking at it as body weight exercises I wasn’t sure it would be as challenging as the barbell stuff we were doing. SO TOTALLY WRONG was I!

The things you are having us do are really hard. And four sets today was like “OH MY GOD!”. Then to do boxing after that. Whew, I was tired. It’s a good kind of tired, don’t get me wrong but damn, it’s hard.

Okay, I just felt I needed to say that. Now back to my chores for the day…I so love having a day off!

Thanks for writing challenging programs every time and thanks for bearing with us as we suffer our ups and downs along the way.





Mike Alves


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