This is CYBBC’s 2014 Challenge Workout Recap Video. It is a compilation of workouts performed in class over the year.
CYBBC offers group personal training for health, body transformation and performance. We are not a class you can just show up to, but rather a program built around phases with start dates and end dates. A phase is 4 weeks long, consisting of 3 weeks of face to face coaching, spent learning a program, followed by a 4th week in which you do the program on your own. We track your measurements at the beginning and end of every phase and your physical performance quarterly.
Our members are busy people, of all different shapes, sizes and ages, who want a coach who cares, an effective program to follow and a motivating group of people to train with. They want to be held accountable, have fun, lose weight, tone up, get in shape, learn new things, make friends, not get injured, perform better and become their best self.
We teach do anywhere workouts, using minimal equipment that you bring, in a high intensity strength & conditioning workout, that is thoughtfully planned, safe, periodized, progressive and set to time and provides multiple exercise levels to accommodate the different fitness levels of the participants.
If you’re looking to get in your best shape, change your body and transform your life and you could use the help of a coach, a team and an effective program, please sign up at
I hope you’re day is going awesome and you’re loving the fact that you don’t have to water the flowers today. I am.
In any event, I’m feeling really good b/c I rocked out a great 260 rep strength workout, had a nice lunch and had 3 really cool things I wanted to share with you.
1. Get A Follow Along Ab Workout
One of my clients, Nasrin, asked me this great question about whether she should keep losing weight to tone her stomach OR focus more on plank & crunch work. This was such a good question and with her permission, I created a really cool “Ask Mike” blog post about it and I’d like to share it with you.
If you want a short (5-18min) & effective total body ab workout to help tone your stomach, once you reach your body weight goal, and some effective & equally short results-oriented strength workouts to help you tone everything else, click here. You’ll get to see Coach Mike, busting his butt, to show you “live”, how intense your effort needs to be in order to make change happen. I even get tired, sometimes go on my hands & knees and even lie down on my face b/c I get so exhausted (the end of CW#1).
Go ahead: click here to see Nasrin’s Ask Mike question with my answer and get a follow along Ab Workout + 3 Follow Along Challenge Workouts.
2. Give A Back Pack & Get A 1-Month Pass to CYBBC
I’ve been in the giving mode lately. It started with my cousin selling wrist bands b/c his mom / my aunt got cancer, then Springfield College, my alma mater, which was hit hard by the tornadoes lost its beautiful tree line along the Massasoit shores (SC is a beautiful campus and the Harvard of Exercise Science in my biased opinion) and then I learned about this really cool program started by the City of Newton Health & Human Services department, that is collecting back packs & school supplies to give to underprivileged kids in Newton. I don’t know about you, but I sure love to learn and nothing made learning as fun in grade school as writing in my new “trapper keeper” with my cool NFL pencils and crazy erasers and rocking out with my sweet maroon, Jansport back pack with tons of cool pockets (and hidden one’s too).
Anyways, I called the Health & Human Service Dept and asked them how many they were collecting (200) and how many they still needed (50), so I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to help too and if you did I’d do something really special for you.
Here’s the deal. Help me collect 50, 48 more bags and school supplies (see above) by donating $50 worth of goods, by 5pm this Friday, August 17, 2012 to the Main Office at the John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club and be sure to let them know and me know you did it, and I’ll gift you (1) Full Access Pass to A Phase of Boot Camp ($268 value) redeemable by anyone who is a good fit for us, including new members AND past members who aren’t currently under a membership agreement. Current members may gift the certificate or sell it to someone who they feel is a good fit. Gift certificate expires in 6-months (February 16, 2013).
Give & Get Specifics
48 more bags needed for underprivileged kids
Donate a back pack and school supplies worth $50.
Do Good & Feel Good.
Get a 1-Month, Full Access Pass to A Phase of Boot Camp ($268 value)
Redeemable by people who are a good fit for CYBBC.
Including new members AND past members not on a membership agreement.
Current members may gift or sell the gift certificate.
Expires in 6-months (February 16, 2013).
Drop off by 5pm, Friday, August 17, 2012 to the John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club Main Office (Edinboro Street), 675 Watertown Street, Newton, MA 02460.
Send Coach Mike an email, to tell him you did this.
Get, Give, Get Summary
If you’ve got belly & side fat and you’d like to get a fun, follow along video you can do to help tone your midsection, click here.
If you give a back pack & supplies, you’ll feel really good about it and…
…you’ll get a 1-Month, Full Access Pass to A Phase of Boot Camp.
Thank you for reading today.
Yours living the active lifestyle,
Mike Alves
p.s. Go check out Nasrin’s “Ask Mike” question here. Follow along with the video, then while you’re flying high and feeling tight & solid in your gut, go drop off a new back pack to the B&G Club.
p.p.s. No one ever says, “Wow, I really regret that workout!”
p.p.p.s. No one also ever says, “Wow, I really regret helping those kids!”
“Less sore week my ass!…” is an email quote I received from Super Client, Alicia, this past Monday following our “…killer Monday workouts…”. Continue reading →
It’s the New Year, a fresh start, a clean slate and a new beginning. It’s a time to reflect, goal set and “resolve”, right? Right!
I have a question for you. Did you get sick after the year-end holidays and/or at the start of this year? I did. And that is very un-Mike Alves-like (yes I just wrote that). Why did I get sick? Because I focused on producing, on what I could do, get done, finish, achieve, etc…and didn’t keep my normal balance. I started living like everyone else and I stopped training like no one else. My immune system suffered and I paid the price.
Since I love the start of a new year for all the reason above and due to my cold, the colds of my clients and my grand writing of the 2012 Change Your Body Boot Camps Macrocycle and programs, I was reminded of Aesop’s Fable, The Goose with the Golden Egg.
The story goes like this,
One day a countryman going to the nest of his goose found there an egg all yellow and glittering. When he took it up it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played on him. But he took it home on second thoughts, and soon found that it was an egg of pure gold.
Every morning the same thing occurred, and he grew rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find nothing.
Moral of the Story: Greed often overreaches itself.
Well…I overreached. I attempted to squeeze out every last ounce of results I could and I didn’t take care of myself the way I normally do. Stephen R. Covey author of the NY Times best seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, would say that my P/PC balance was off and Aesop would say I was greedy. “P” stands for Production and “PC” stands for Production Capability.
In our wonderful world of bigger, faster, stronger, where many strive for the American Dream, there is a tendency to focus on Production (the Golden Eggs) and neglect Production Capability (the Goose).
If you desire to achieve or produce more and net golden eggs, you also must schedule time to take care of the achiever or producer, the goose, and focus on your production capability.
If you want to get a better job or earn more (Production / Golden Eggs) you often have to work more, acquire more skills & knowledge and/or take on more responsibility (Production Capability / Goose).
If you want to lose weight, lose fat, build muscle, run faster, get stronger, break a personal record, change your body, …stay healthy…, etc…and focus on your production or net golden eggs you have to change the way you think, eat, move, sleep, drink, train, … i.e. you’ll have to change your lifestyle and also focus on your Production Capability and thereby take care of the Goose.
In closing. Life is more exciting when you’re producing something and you can increase the rate, quality AND duration of your production if you not only give focus to your production capability, but prioritize, schedule and DO it. When you take care of the Goose, yourself, you can sustain production of Golden Eggs, your results, for a longer period of time. If you make this a habit, addressing your production capability, and adopt this balanced lifestyle, you’ll reap the rewards over your lifetime.
Imagine all of the Golden Eggs the farmer could have had over his lifetime if he took care of the goose.
Here’s your chance. Take it! I am.
Yours changing lives, including my own,
Mike Alves
p.s. Newton’s #1 Body Transformation Program, Change Your Body Boot Camps is in its 4th year of helping Busy People address their production capability.
p.p.s. If you want to try us out for FREE, apply here:
Change Your Body Boot Camps, Newton’s 1st Body Transformation Boot Camp that guarantees results for busy people, has released its 2012 Training Calendar. Click here to view.
Hello and good day to you!
One of the great things about your local Newton Boot Camp is the training environment. You see, the reason CYBBC has so many clients with success stories is because it has developed a system for yielding results and one of those systems is it’s training environment.
Have you ever heard of the 80 / 20 Principle. The 80 / 20 Principle, made famous by the Italian Economist, Vilfredo Pareto, and paraphrased here from Tim Ferris’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek, showed that 20% of Pareto’s Peapods yielded 80% of his peas or that 20% of the population yielded 80% of the wealth. The unique thing about this Principle is it can be applied to many contexts including training environments.
Here are some examples showing how training environment can lead to improved health, body transformations & performance.
• membership based gyms:
80% of members who do show up, don’t train on a plan, 20% do train on a plan.
• gym based, group exercise classes:
80% of group exercise classes are NOT programs, just workouts of the day. 20% are programs.
• general vs. custom programming
80% of programs are general and do not address imbalances or injury history, are not flexible, are not periodized or progressive and do not guarantee results. 20% of programs are customized to address imbalances & injuries, are flexible, periodized, progressive and guarantee results.
• gym equipment based workouts vs. do anywhere workouts
80% of programs are built around equipment found at a gym. 20% of programs are designed to be done anywhere you find yourself, with most any equipment available or even none at all.
• personal training studios
80% of PT Studios train 1 person at a time leaving the support & motivation soleley up to the coach. 20% of PT Studios train semi-privately using the collective support & motivation of the group to motivate the individual.
• membership boot camps
80% of boot camps accept anyone who can afford training to join. 20% of boot camps accept only the right people they want to train.
• short term results vs. long term sustainable results
80% of premium programs base their results on quick fixes (think “jumpstart” diet programs) to yield immediate results without consideration of the long term health, body composition and performance costs related to these sabotaging habits. 20% of premium programs yield both short & long term results by teaching sustainable habits to overcome the highs & lows of life.
• Good vs. Great
80% of coaches just want a paycheck and a place to go each day. 20% of coaches want to be the best they can be, the best in their area and the best in their niche.
• Fun
80% of training environments are low energy, no fun, filled with complaining people leaning on equipment, walking around aimlessly, watching tv or reading where people don’t really want to be. 20% of training environments will be high energy, exciting, motivating & fun places you want to be.
The Lucky 20%
Basically 20% of the people who set 2012 Health, Body Composition and Performance related goals will yield 80% of the results. These people are most likely to train in a high energy & fun environment where everyone is on a flexible and customized, long term sustainable, results-oriented, do anywhere program, that is not dependent on gym based equipment, which uses the motivation of a highly selective group of motivated people who are ready & committed to train, who are not complainers or whiners and are led by a coach who will accept nothing but the best for his/her clients, his/her program and his/herself.
The Unlucky 80%
The other 80% of people who set 2012 Health, Body Composition and Peformance related goals will yield 20% of the results if any. These people will go through the motions when they show up because they don’t have a plan, their accountability isn’t strong enough, they’ll most likely get hurt trying to train too hard in a workout that is not progressive or from having low energy from following a “jumpstart” nutrition plan. They’ll watch too much tv instead of watching the sweat slalom off their nose. They’ll lose momentum becaues their program is not fun, it’s not flexible, it’s dependent on gym based equipment and they’ll grow tired of being surrounded by negative nelly’s and coaches who don’t care.
In closing, Change Your Body Boot Camps has a system for delivering sustainable results in a safe manner and part of that system is its training environment. Phase 1 begins, Sunday, January 1 at 8am with Measurements & Orientation. The 1st day of training begins, Monday, January 2. You can learn more about our 2 convenient locations and flexible training times by visiting our website,
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